River Otter
I seek an unremarkable deviation walking 1000 steps to each disappointment where I once found past streetlight, duplex, and a barking dog another 1000 steps returning anticipation defied a field of killdeer in its place not one wary stare Each time I wait near the muddy shore wanting for his playful glance me, crouched behind a piney branch While crayfish hide deep in winter I stay silent Willing the surface to break one more time
~ Jennifer
Note: The first version of this poem was hastily included in yesterday’s post, “Painters and Poets”. Not only did I accidentally remove the poem formatting when I sent the email update to my subscribers, but this morning I realized I also wanted to edit it further. So, above, is take 2 of my poem. I can’t guarantee there won’t be a take 3. I feel like I’m close to something special with this piece, but I’m not sure if it’s there yet. And I’m not one to worry if I’m sharing something prematurely. I believe it can be just as important to see and understand the process as it is to have an end result. Maybe that’s just the painter in me who warns, if you like one of my artworks, buy it while you can. You never know when something sits in the studio too long - it may have to go through another round of being worked.