For those of you who don’t know, today (November 1) kicks off the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). And if you are one of the many participants of this event - my very best wishes to you on your way to 50,000 words by the end of the month! May the words fly onto your page with courage, speed, and joy! Currently, I am at 500 words, and hoping for more courage and speed as we go. We’ll see what the end of the day (and the month) brings…
While I have entertained the notion of writing a book and have considered several genres over the years while attempting (and not finishing) the NaNoWriMo in the past, it is in these attempts that I’ve learned to appreciate just how hard it is to write a book. It is really, really, really hard (and I say that in my most writerly way). I am truly awed by those who complete the challenge and, beyond the challenge, craft meaningful and interesting works of literature (either through the motivation of the NaNoWriMo, or more generally, as a professional writer). A finished book is an achievement! Honestly, I consider myself a slightly above average writer (or possible less so, as evidenced in my writerly way above). I am definitely far from the category of novelist, and have no intention of proving otherwise. I do, however, want to have a record of my life experiences and especially those which have shaped my art making over the years while I can still mostly remember them. (It’s amazing how much you forget with the passage of time!) I wouldn’t say it’s a vanity goal, but maybe it is. I will say, it’s a rather personal goal. I watched my grandmother slip away to Alzheimers years ago, and now hear my own mother’s stories meld and vary as time passes. I want to have something to remind me of not only how my past has shaped my work, but of the memories I wish to pass down to my children, and a reminder of the person I am, here, today - assuming I live a long life and want to remember it all some day. I also REALLY like a challenge. And this one has eluded me several times. 50,000 words? Let’s go!
So, as I work through this NaNoWriMo challenge during the month of November, I will be posting a few excerpts here in An Artist’s Notes. I hope to provide some more in depth insight into my art making while sharing my life stories. For instance, the work in process (above) reveals the current stay-at-home status in my household as well as a connection to my childhood home. When I get to that chapter of my “novel” I’ll let you know more of the story (although you can catch a tiny little pre-curser in my previous artist note).
In the meantime, if you have any interest in writing your thoughts, stories or ideas into some sort of format, this is the month to sit down and make it happen. There is a whole community of people to support you along the way - myself included! I hope you choose to join in the fun, if not this year, then maybe create a plan for next year. And for those of you jumping in?!
Day 1, Chapter 1. What is your story?